Is this begining of the end of West?

A world power is a nation or state that possesses great economic, cultural, geo political and military strength prowess, a key attribute that establishes a nation state as world power is that the power and influence is exerted beyond its nation’s boundaries.

Ashwin Bohara
3 min readAug 19, 2021
Sun setting on Statue Of Liberty. (Lithium366 / Shutterstock)

For centuries there has been almost a cyclical nature of this power transition and the dominance of a particular nation/state through the century as example the British empire in 19th century.

Undoubtedly the US played this role of global dominant power in the twentith century and has largely been seen as the global force of good that was assertive with its military positioning with over 1000+ global military bases all around the planet and the global indicator for economic activity/health of the world. The US dollar continues to be the global gold currency standard a huge economic power house

The 9/11 Attack on US (Franky — Getty Images)

At the turn of 21st century on the fateful day of 9/11 when the twin towers were brough down by a bunch of cave man terrorists the world watched in horror this attack on mainland US and expected a fierce and decisive action which the US took by going after Al-Qida and Taliban terrorists in Aghanistan and the (mis)adventure in Iraq.

Fast foward to the events unfolding in Kabul with Taliban taking over Afghanistan today sadly it seems the formiddable force of western democractic values and good is retreating and losing the battle to radical Islam albeit the radical forces have their own dominant ally — China.

The rise of dragon (Sabastian: Shutterstock)

The Taliban administration just announced that all US forces must leave Afghanistan by 9/11 — 2021 and yes the picking of 9/11 date as deadline is not coincidental.

The taliban arrival is bad news for minorities and women in Afghanistan, history is repeating itself and the same thing that happened in Vietnam and Iran is now happening in Afghanistan. The fall of Afghanistan is a monumental catastrphoic failure not just for US but of every country that shared common values with the west and humanity as a whole.

Right after the Taliban take over of Kabul the Hamas in Gaza fired rockets at Israel, The Iranian leadership welcomed Taliban and Qatar is also happy with this change. There is a block that is being formed on the global geo political level that is staring righ into the eyes of the west.

Images of Women being erased in Kabul (Anon Getty images)

Most importantly China welcomed the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan under Taliban. We should not forget that only 2 countries did not vacate their embassy staff from Kabul — China and the other country off course being Pakistan.

China has also threated Taiwan that the fall of Afghanistan is an example of what happens when US withdraws. The west is retreating and China + Radical islam is rising. The table of war of dominance is surely turning and Afghanistan is a catalyst in this decline of west and rise of East.

One country shines like a beacon of hope for the West which aligns with the democractic values of free world and is right in between these opponent forces in the East — India.

Can West find an Ally in East? (Image courtesy: CNN)



Ashwin Bohara

Curious Mind who believes your existence on this tiny speck dust of universe must have a purpose? Investment banker by profession part time writer by choice!